Top 5: Apps for Text-based AAC – 2024

Text-based AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) systems are designed for individuals who can read and write but may have difficulties with verbal speech. These systems allow users to type out words and sentences to communicate. They often include features like word prediction, abbreviation expansion, and customizable phrase banks to make communication faster and more efficient. Text-based AAC can be particularly helpful for individuals with acquired or progressive conditions that result in loss of speech, as well as those with lifelong disabilities that affect speech clarity. It can also be useful for people who intermittently lose speech or find it difficult to communicate in certain environments and need a reliable way to communicate.  Below is a list (in no particular order) of apps that we like.

  1. ClaroCom ClaroCom is an iPad and iPhone App for text-based communication. ClaroCom is suitable for children or adults with some or full literacy and can assist users who have limited or no speech and language difficulties. Use of word and phrase prediction as well as banks of prestored phrases, including an innovative “fill in the blank” option makes this an easy-to-use system.
  2. Predictable Predictable text-to-speech app for literate AAC users. It particularly works well for those with degenerative conditions as it can move between touch and switch access as access methods change. It allows for the export of text to social media apps and includes rate enhancement features such as abbreviation expansions and prestored phrases as well as other customisation options.
  3. SayIt! SayIt! is a text based AAC app, developed by an AAC user, which gives it some unique insights. Containing an inbuilt placeholder message to be spoken aloud while the user is composing their message, it also uses features such as a phrasebook to store frequently used messages. Designed with switch users in mind, it is also accessible by touch and mouse pointers compatible with iOS.
  4. Grid 3  Grid 3 comes with some gridsets specifically designed for text-based AAC users, including FastTalker and AlphaCore, which allow for a variety of access methods. Gridsets can be customized to individual user’s requirements and can be used for non-face to face communication, such as emailing, social media as well as interacting with SmartHome assistants.
  5. Communicator 5 Communicator 5 is a comprehensive AAC solution offering efficient, flexible communication for people with a wide range of language disabilities, including MND and Cerebral Palsy. It converts text into clear speech with a variety of voice options for more natural communication. Communicator 5 can be used with multiple access methods including eye gaze, touch and switch scanning. 

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